Home Work



Kindergarten Homework 

Kindergarten students will receive monthly homework calendars online. Each day (Monday-Thursday) will have one or two assignments for the students to complete. Some assignments are written while others are activities for your child to do orally or with materials at home. Please help your child complete the work each night and return the homework every Friday so that I can check the week’s work. Please look at the website daily under the homework heading.        


    Additionally, students should read or listen to an adult read at least one book every day. Please write down the books that you read with your child on the monthly book list. This book list will be part of our school-wide reading program and students will be eligible for prizes and/or certificates. Please feel free to continue using the book list that I previously sent to you. If you read a book more than one time, please write a number next to the title so that I can count each time you read it.  

Thank you for your help! It’s going to be a great year!    

  J Mrs. McLendon       




Week 1&2    

Week 3 

Sight Words


Draw a picture of something that is loud and something that is quiet. 

Practice counting to 20

Practice writing the letters “A” and “a” 5 times each. 

Sing the alphabet song.

Look for the word “the” in a book. Count how many times you see it on a page.

 Practice writing the letters “B” and “b” 5 times each. 

Practice writing the letters “C” and “c” 5 times each. 

Sort your laundry by color. 

Week 4 

Sight Words 

Practice writing the letters “D” and “d” 5 times each. 

Draw a picture of something that rhymes with “rug”. 

Practice writing the letters “E” and “e” 5 times each. 

Draw a picture of something that rhymes with “dig”. 

Practice writing the letters “F” and “f” 5 times each.

 Draw a picture of something that rhymes with “bat”. 

Practice writing the letters “G” and “g” 5 times each. 

Practice naming the shapes.

Week 5  

Sight Words 

Practice writing the letters “H” and “h” 5 times each. Draw a large, medium, and small bear. 

Pick 3 sight words.

Write them twice with your favorite color.

Practice writing the letters “I” and “i” 5 times each. 

Count backwards from 10. 

 Write your best friend's name 3 times. 

Tell your parents three words that begin with the letter i.




























Week 1

 Sight Words 

Practice writing the letters “J” and “j” 5 times each. 

Play Simon Says with a family member. 

Practice writing the letters “K” and “k” 5 times each. 

Draw 2 things that begin with the same sound as “baby”. 

Practice writing the letters “L” and “l” 5 times each. 

Practice a fire drill with your family. 

Practice writing the letters “M” and “m” 5 times each. 

Say or sing the days of the week. 

Week 2

 Sight Words 

Practice writing the letters “N” and “n” 5 times each.

 Draw a picture of 2 things that are hot. 

Practice writing the letters “O” and “o” 5 times each. 

Draw 2 things that begin with the same sound as “mouse”. 

Practice writing the letters “P” and “p” 5 times each. 

Make a list of words that rhyme with “man”. (A grown-up can write the words.) 

Practice writing the letters “Q” and “q” 5 times each. 

Count to 20.Count backwards from 10. 

Week 3 

Sight Words 

Practice writing the letters “R” and “r” 5 times each. Sing or say the days of the week. 

Practice writing the letters “S” and “s” 5 times each. 

Draw three leaves and color them  red, green, and yellow            

Practice writing the letters “T” and “t” 5 times each. 

Draw 2 things that begin with the same sound as your name. 

Write the lowercase letters in order from a to t. 

Go outside. Look for a leaf, an acorn, or a pinecone. Bring it to school.

Week 4 

Sight Words 

Practice writing the letters “U” and “u” 5 times each. 

Draw 5 pumpkins with 2 leaves on each. 

Practice writing the letters “V” and “v” 5 times each. 

Draw 2 things that begin with the same sound as “pumpkin”. 

Draw a face on a pumpkin. Write a sentence about your pumpkin.

Practice writing the letters “W” and “w” 5 times each. 

Draw three pumpkins and color them green, orange and yellow.